
Ulysses is a single father and wants to know the monthly expenses of his baby. Ulysses makes $16 an hour and work 40 hours a week. Ulysses has calculated the costs of monthly expenses for the baby.

Diapers $80 (monthly)
Formula $200 (monthly)
Clothes $75 (monthly)
Daycare $400 (monthly)

How much per month does each person make? What is the total monthly expense for the baby? What percentage of their salary will go toward the baby? What do you think it will be like raising a baby on their salary?​

Respuesta :


How much per month does each person make?

A. Total hours worked: 40

   Amount he gets per hour: 16

   Total he earns in a week: 40*16= $640

    In a moth = 640*4 = $2560

What is the total monthly expense for the baby?

A. Total expense = Add all the thing required for the baby.

$80 + $200 + $75 + $400 = $755

What percentage of their salary will go toward the baby?


Percentage= 755/2560*100 = Approx 29.49%

What do you think it will be like raising a baby on their salary?​

A: It will be very hard to raise a child with a small salary like this because there are more expenses left other than looking after the baby.