
Match the following questions to their answers. 1. What will a reflexive verb have on the end of it? to an infinitive or gerund (- ing verb) 2. After conjugating a verb, where do you place the reflexive pronouns? se Te estás enamorando. 3. ¿Cómo traduces "You are falling in love." en español? in front 4. ¿Cómo traduces "The milk is running out." La leche se está acabando. < 5. Where can you attach a reflexive pronoun?​

Respuesta :


1- it will have the ending -se.

In the infinitive form: dormirse, bañarse, peinarse, vestirse.

Once you conjugate a reflexive you must add the appropriate ending:

Yo- me

Tu- te

El/ella/ usted-se

Nosotros- nos

Vosotros- os

Ellos/ ellas/ ustedes- se

Yo me baño

Tu te peinas

Nosotros nos dormimos a las 10 de la noche.

If you conjugate with gerundio ((-ING endings). You must combine with the verb Estar just as you do in English :

Yo estoy bañANDOME., or Yo ME ESTOY bañANDO I am bathing myself.... or I am showering.

-Ando is the ending for verbs ending on -at and -iendo is the ending for verbs ending on ER or IR the equivalent of verbs ending on ING in English

2. Estoy enamorándome means I am falling in love

Or you can also say: ME estoy enamorando.

3. You are right, la leche se está acabando or la leche está acabándose

4 As previous examples you can put the reflexive pronoun before or after the verb