Conflict between the king and
his brother could be the cause
for its downfall.
They took over the Sumerian
Historians know very little
about this civilization.
Hittite civilization
Assyrian civilization
Babylonian civilization

Respuesta :


Hittite civilization  ------- Historians know very little  about this civilization.

Assyrian civilization  ------ Conflict between the king and  his brother could be the cause  for its downfall.

Babylonian civilization ------ They took over the Sumerian  civilization.


Conflict between the king of Assyria and  his brother over the control of the throne made the empire weaker and responsible for the fall of Assyrian civilization . Babylonian civilization ended the rule of Sumerian  in a battle and finally ended the Sumerian  civilization.  Historians know very little  about Hittite civilization due to lack of the evidences in the region where they lived.