Answer:As of 2019, the global average economic loss due to natural disaster events worldwide amounted to about 232 billion U.S. dollars annually. Natural disasters occur as a result of natural processes on Earth. There are a lot of different types of natural disasters that can occur, including floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. In 2019, the number of natural disaster events had decreased slighlty compared to the year before. Flooding generated the highest amount of economic loss that year. Devastatingly, in 2019, the Indian monsoon season floods caused to loss of over 1,750 deaths that year.
Natural Disaster Cost
A highly destructive force, Asia is one of the most susceptible regions to natural disasters. The repercussions of natural disasters are not only physical, they are also economic. There may be high costs, depending on the severity, required to rebuild an affected area after a natural disaster occurs. Lower income countries are more likely to be affected by natural disasters for a multitude of reasons. These reasons include a lack of developed infrastructure, inadequate housing, and lack of back-resources.