Imagine you are writing a travel narrative to provide information to your friend who wants to sell her artwork to people from a nearby state. What should you include in your travel narrative? In your response, include at least three different pieces of information that would help your friend to develop business relationships with people from that state.

Respuesta :

Answer:u should include the place you are much days you are gonna things to do....and alll


These types of travel narratives written to develop business relationships should focus on the lives of regular people. One important area that “business relationship” travel narratives should focus on is cultural traditions: What are the shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices of the people from this state? A variety of details would be appropriate when discussing cultural traditions, such as how people spend their leisure time and their attitudes about artistic works. Another element to focus on is educational institutions: How do people in this state receive the information that is important to them? Do these institutions value the arts? Lastly, and possibly most importantly, a travel narrative of this type needs to address the motivation of the people from this state: Why do they do what they do? The answer to this question involves religious beliefs and moral practices. The type of art that would be welcomed and the type of art that would be deemed offensive are both important factors to discuss. Information about all these areas will help anyone wanting to establish business relationships in a neighboring state.