Term bonds - Term bonds refer to bonds with the same maturity date and on that date their face value must be repaid.
Mortgage Bonds - this is a bond that is backed up by real estate as collateral thus giving the holder of these bonds a claim on said real estate.
Debenture bonds - These types of bonds/ debt instruments are not secured by any collateral.
Income bonds - The coupon payments on such bonds are contingent on whether the company makes enough income to pay them in a given period.
Callable bond - These types of bonds are redeemable before the maturity date by the issuer.
Registered bonds - The bondholder's referent information is held by the issuer the main purpose of which is to ensure that payments are going to the right address.
Bearer or coupon bonds - These types of bonds can be transferred from one owner to another as the bond is not recorded in the holder's name.
Convertible bonds - These bonds are convertible into shares in the issuing company.
Commodity-backed bonds - Such bonds are valued based on the value of a certain asset that will be specified in the agreement.
Deep discount bonds - This kind of bond is sold at 80% or less than its face value.