Was there a distinct American culture, society, or people by the end of 1750? Please cite
specific examples from at least three different colonies, highlighting differences or similarities.

Respuesta :


In 1750 there was no distinct American society in the territory of North America dominated by the English.


In 1750, the North American region that is currently occupied by the USA, did not have a colonial community composed of the American people, properly speaking. At that time, the inhabitants of North America were English, Africans and Native Americans.

The British and Native Americans lived in three colonial regions, which can be demonimated like The South, New England and Mid-Atlantic.

The southern colonies were located on very fertile land and good for agriculture. These colonies grew a lot with the cultivation and sale of tobacco and used African slaves to carry out their work.

New England, however, was not so lucky with agriculture because it was located in a region with a very cold climate and unfavorable soils for plantations, which these colonies were the poorest for a long time. However, this colonial region stands out for the presence of English Puritans, who sought America as a place to have religious freedom.

Mid-Atlantic was a colonial region different from the others because it had not only English immigrants, but immigrants from different places in Europe. These colonies had great cultural diversity and in many places, the English language was not even spoken. Unlike the "New England" region, Mid-Atlantic was home to both Protestants and Catholics.

What these colonies had in common was the submission to the English crown, by the majority of its inhabitants, in addition to sharing cultural ties and customs of their homeland.