Given the list of customer segments below please create a new list of the names of the segments only using(a) a for loop(b) a list comprehension(c) a map().List would look something like ['Wallstreet','Gambler','Parents'] but of course using each tool as listed:segments = [{'name': 'Wallstreet', 'average_spend': 82.01}, {'name': 'Gambler', 'average_spend': 107.00}, {'name': 'Parents', 'average_spend': 10.52}]

Respuesta :


new_segment = [ ]

for segment in segments:

   new_segment.append({'name': segment, 'average_spend': money})

print( new_segment)

Using list comprehension:

new_segment =[{'name': segment, 'average_spend': money}  for segment in segments]

Using map():

def listing(a):

   contain =  {'name': segment, 'average_spend': money}

   return contain

new_segment = [ ]

new_segment.append(map( listing, segment))



The python codes above create a list of dictionaries in all instances using for loop, for loop in list comprehension and the map function which collect two arguments .