I. For each of the following arguments, identify the implicit premises that will make the argument valid.
The engine is sputtering. It must be out of gas.
Implicit premise: Whenever the engine sputters, it's out of gas.
1. Any senator who is caught misusing campaign funds should resign his seat. Senator Greed should resign.
2. Not everyone in this country has health insurance. Therefore, health care is a disaster.
3. In the first week at the box office, the movie grossed over $30 million. So it's sure to win at least one Oscar.
4. The FBI doesn't have a very serious focus on stopping terrorism. Another major terrorist attack will happen in this country.
5. The author of the book on interventionist wars is either biased or incom- petent as a journalist. So she's biased.
6. The conflict in Indonesia is a genuine war. So it can't possibly be morally justified.
7. Hillary Clinton has amazing name recognition. So she will win the presidency.
8. The U.S. government should limit its activities to the Western Hemisphere because it doesn't have the resources to cover the whole world.
9. If the engine starts right away, it's because of the tune-up I gave it. Must be because of the tune-up I gave it.
10. Taslima did not criticize U.S. military action in the Gulf War or in the war in Afghanistan. She must be a hawk.
II. To each of the following arguments, change or add a premise that will make the argument strong.
1. The Republicans are more articulate about their policies and more realis- tic about world events than the Democrats are. They will surely win the next election.
2. Aziz regularly eats at McDonald's, so Aziz is likely to gain a few pounds.
3. Six out of ten of my teenage friends love rap music. So 60 percent of all teens love rap music.
4. Seventy-one percent of the faculty and staff at Goddard Community College are Democrats. So most of the students are probably Democrats.
5. Miriam was in the library when the books were stolen from the librar- ian's desk. She was also seen hanging around the desk. So she's probably the one who stole them.
6. If Assad's fingerprints are on the vase, then he's probably the one who broke it. He's probably the one who broke it.
7. If the president needs more money to balance the federal budget, he will get it from Social Security. Well, he's almost certainly going to get it from Social Security
8. Ninety percent of students at Boston College graduate with a B.A. degree. Li Fong will probably graduate from Boston College with a B.A. degree.
9. The murder rates in most large American cities on the East Coast are very high. The murder rates in most large cities in the West and Midwest are very high. So the murder rate in New Orleans must be very high.
10. John has a typical American diet. His fat intake is probably excessively high.

Respuesta :


1i) The senator is misusing campaign funds.

ii. Everybody is entitled to health insurance.

iii. The oscar award is given to movies with high rate.

iv. Terrorist attacks when there is a lack of active security.

v. She is the author of the book in question.

vi. The conflict went out of hand.

vii. The name is a passport to winning.

viii. The US government should save or minimize the focus on this region.

ix. It is good to tune-up engines.

x. Taslima observed both wars that involved the US.

2i) A party with well articulated policies always win the election.

ii. McDonald's restaurant serves only junk food.

iii. Statistically, most teenagers love rap music.

iv. Most of the people in the school are Democrats and there are only a few Republicans.

v. Miriam is a book theft.

vi. Assad definitely broke the case.

vii. The social security is a source of funding for the president.

