Examine the ambiguity of Griselda's character, noting both her positive and negative characteristics. Is Griselda a purely
allegorical character, or does she represent qualities of a more complex individual? Explain your answer. Your answer
should be at least one hundred words.

Respuesta :


Griselda's character in the story is a simple-minded but strong female. She was introduced as an unknown and poor person that Gualtieri is planning to marry. In the first few tests, she was tested on her loyalty for her husband that made her win the heart fully of Gualtieri. As the first lady of the village, the people were surprised by how charismatic nature and kindness she has. She had earned the respect of the people so much and they loved her as well. But during, the ignorant and foolish tests of the her husband, this led to test her own mental state of heartbreaks because of her children and was put to shame by her husband. Needless to say, she kept a strong stance in herself but at the same time was naive in following her husband's foolishness. All the more, Gualtieri did not deserve this wondrous woman.


Griselda is considered as a mythology tale that was written by Giovanni Boccaccio. It defined the uncommon and less patience situation to destiny.

Why does Griselda represent qualities of a more complex individual?

According to the story, Griselda is very strong and open-minded lady. At the beginning of story, Griselda is seems to be very poor lady and the men whose name is Gualtieri is planning to marry with her. She gave various test in order to provide the proof of her loyalty for her husband.

In the village, where she lived, all the people admired her kindness and politeness and people were shocked about her positive nature. Griselda gained a lot of respect from her village people.

Adding toit, just because of her husband took too many mental tests on her in order to check her loyalty her mental stability was deteriorated. This tests made her life full of heartbreaks or negatives just because to prove her children and husband.

At the end we can say that Griselda's spread more positive vibes on us because of her kind nature but because of her husband she does foolishness tings. All the more, Gualtieri did not deserve this wondrous woman.

Learn more about Griselda, refer to the link:
