The Homestead Act of 1862 has been interpreted to have been a "pull factor" in the period after the Civil War. Which answer explains why this is true? A) The lure of free land in the West caused many people to move there. B) Industries in the East closed their doors to workers who wanted to move. C) Slaves were forcibly taken from plantations into the Great Plains to work. D) People were taken from their jobs in the east and made to work in the West.
Which area on the map represents the region MOST affected by the Homestead Act of 1862? A) A B) B C) C D) D
Affected public lands in 30 of the 50 states Resulted in the settlement of over 270,000,000 acres on the western frontier Gave settlers up to 160 acres for a filing fee of less than $20 Required that settlers make improvements to the land, build a home, and farm the land for a minimum of five years What piece of legislation is being described? A) the Dawes Plan B) the Homestead Act C) the Indian Removal Act D) the Kansas-Nebraska Act