

Lots of your friends get together after school at the local fast food
restaurant. Say what everyone is doing there.

Pratique Lots of your friends get together after school at the local fast food restaurant Say what everyone is doing there class=

Respuesta :


they are there ro hang out and eat




Say what every one is doing in the fast food..

Je est un employé. Il travaille pour ce fast food.

"I" is an employee. He works for tha fast food.


"Tu" vient d'avoir sa commande et va probablement rejoindre la table d'Ousmane. Il écoute de la musique avec ses écouteurs.

"You" just has his order and is probably going to join Ousmane's table. He is listening music with his earphones.


Ousmane est assis avec un enfant et semble attendre sa commande.

Ousmane is sitting with a child and seems to wait for his order.


Max a des béquilles var sa jambe gauche est blessée. Il est au téléphone.

Max has got crutches because he hurt his left leg. He is on the phone.


Sylvie et Claire regardent leur téléphone portable.

Sylvie and Claire are looking at their cell phone.


Sandrine et moi, nous étudions.

Sandrine and I, we are studying.


Daniel et ??? sont en train de manger. /ou/ mangent.

Daniel and ??? are eating. /or/ eat.


I might not have chosen the exact thing they are doing.... If so, just let me a comment, and I'll translate whatever you want ..


hope this helps ☺☺☺