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The "urge to form and maintain personal and professional bonds" is called belongingness.  This is the need to belong to a community.  It is a basic emotional need that demands and gives attention to others, whether they are family, friends, co-workers, within residential communities, religious circles, educational, social, and professional environments.


Man and woman are created to be social beings who live in community with other human beings.  Man and woman are not created separately.  Biblically, when God created Adam, God made him man and woman.  Adam was a complete human being.  No wonder God made Adam to fall asleep so that He could remove the woman.  It is in their unity that they can multiply.  And ever since that date,  both man and woman have longed to unify. "That is why they are no longer two, but one," and "What God has joined, let no man put asunder," according to Jesus Christ.  This is on a personal level, where the family and common community persist.

In our professional and business life, human beings have discovered that they cannot go it alone.  There is always the need for synergy.   The product of synergistic relationships is always greater than the sum of our individual efforts.  Belonging to a professional body, therefore, gives authenticity to our professional achievements.  Forming a corporation gives authenticity and expansion to our entrepreneurial efforts.  Belongingness grants a stamp of authority, provides a source of guidance, and ensures progress on all fronts.