I'm not sure what the question is. If the Icecaps melt (north & south), including glaciers, the water levels will rise, and a mass migration would occur due to the rising Sea levels many countries won't exist anymore! Add a superbug, and it will result in catastrophic mass casualties. Either scenario will have enormous consequences for all of humanity. The reality is it’s already happening now, mass migration from war-torn countries in north Africa and other regions are trying to flee to survive, but it’s not as simple as to go to higher ground. Countries/regions on a higher ground cannot support the influx of refugees; thus, they won’t allow entry, and the people will perish. Every scenario is pointing to a total collapse of the current world and inevietably war. Of course, it’s not the end of the world, but close. Some humans will survive in remote areas, not directly affected by rising water levels or pandemics and war, but it won’t be pretty since most infrastructures will have to be rebuild. It would set humanity set back to the pre-industral area.