« Food and Drink » What restaurant would you recommend around the place you live? Why is it a good place? What is your opinion about eating out? What food do you prefer most: homemade or take-away?

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I think you could pretty much pick a restaurant with you prefer, there are definitely a lot.

Why do you think it's a good place.

This boils down to a number of factors such as,

The food they have

The way they treat customers

The attitude and professionalism of their waiters.

The location of the restaurant itself, how close or far it is to your house.

The environment that surrounds the restaurant, is it serene like you love, noisy or quiet as a graveyard.

Also, other services the restaurant has for the customers.

Above listed are some of the reasons why you could prefer a particular restaurant to others in your environment, and why you think it's a good place.

What is your opinion about eating out?

This is very dependent also, personally, I prefer homemade to eating out. Of course I do eat out oftentimes, when I'm just tired, or when I just craze the cooking from a particular restaurant, but homemade gives me the absolute power to know what and what are added to the food I intend to eat, and eat to my satisfaction moreso.