Respuesta :
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string mth;
int dy;
cin >> mth >> dy;
if ((mth == "January" && dy >= 1 && dy <= 31) || (mth == "February" && dy >= 1 && dy <= 29) || (mth == "March" && dy >= 1 && dy <= 19) || (mth == "December" && dy >= 21 && dy <= 30))
cout << "Winter" << endl;
else if ((mth == "April" && dy >= 1 && dy <= 30) || (mth == "May" && dy >= 1 && dy <= 30) || (mth == "March" && dy >= 20 && dy <= 31) || (mth == "June" && dy >= 1 && dy <= 20))
cout << "Spring" << endl;
else if ((mth == "July" && dy >= 1 && dy <= 31) || (mth == "August" && dy >= 1 && dy <= 31) || (mth == "June" && dy >= 21 && dy <= 30) || (mth == "September" && dy >= 1 && dy <= 21))
cout << "Summer" << endl;
else if ((mth == "October" && dy >= 1 && dy <= 31) || (mth == "November" && dy >= 1 && dy <= 30) || (mth == "September" && dy >= 22 && dy <= 30) || (mth == "December" && dy >= 0 && dy <= 20))
cout << "Autumn" << endl;
cout << "Invalid" << endl;
return 0;
Answer: sorry this is in coral
integer inputMonth
integer inputDay
inputMonth = Get next input
inputDay = Get next input
if (inputMonth == 1 and inputDay >= 1 and inputDay <= 31)
Put "winter" to output
elseif (inputMonth == 2 and inputDay >= 1 and inputDay <= 29)
Put "winter" to output
elseif (inputMonth == 3)
if (inputDay >= 1 and inputDay <= 19)
Put "winter" to output
elseif (inputDay > 19 and inputDay <= 31)
Put "spring" to output
elseif (inputDay >=32)
Put "invalid" to output
elseif (inputMonth == 4 and inputDay >=1 and inputDay <= 30)
Put "spring" to output
elseif (inputMonth == 5 and inputDay >=1 and inputDay <= 31)
Put "spring" to output
elseif (inputMonth == 6)
if (inputDay >=1 and inputDay <= 20)
Put "spring" to output
elseif (inputDay >= 21 and inputDay <= 30)
Put "summer" to output
elseif (inputDay >=31)
Put "invalid" to output
elseif (inputMonth == 7 and inputDay >=1 and inputDay <= 31)
Put "summer" to output
elseif (inputMonth == 8 and inputDay >=1 and inputDay <= 30)
Put "summer" to output
elseif (inputMonth == 9)
if (inputDay >=1 and inputDay <=21)
Put "summer" to output
elseif (inputDay >= 22 and inputDay <=30)
Put "autumn" to output
elseif (inputDay >=31)
Put "invalid" to output
elseif (inputMonth == 10 and inputDay >=1 and inputDay <= 31)
Put "autumn" to output
elseif (inputMonth == 11 and inputDay >=1 and inputDay <= 30)
Put "autumn" to output
elseif (inputMonth == 12)
if (inputDay <= 0)
Put "invalid" to output
elseif (inputDay >= 1 and inputDay <= 20)
Put "autumn" to output
elseif (inputDay >=21 and inputDay<=31)
Put"winter" to output
Put "invalid" to output