
How does the incident with the train in paragraphs 60-68 develop the story's narrative point
of view?
A. This event highlights the third-person limited point of view from Raut's
perspective by voicing Raut's doubts and preventing the reader from knowing
Horrocks' intentions.
B. The narration states that Horrocks' purposefully held Raut near the train,
providing a look into Horrocks' point of view and confirming that he intends to
kill Raut.
C. This event uses the third-person omniscient point of view to contrast Horrock's
plan to kill Raut against Raut's complete obliviousness to Horrocks' revenge plot.
D. The narration implies that Raut is unaware of Horrocks' anger because Raut
dismisses any notion of suspicion he may have following the incident with the