
Honeypot ants (genus Myrmecocystus) can store liquid food inside their expandable abdomens. Consider other ants you are familiar with, and list how a honeypot ant exemplifies three key features of life: adaptation, unity, and diversity

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When the environment becomes too hostile to aid the search for food (that is, dry season), the honeypot ant which can be referred to as repletes shows adaptation to its environment with the intelligent ability to store liquid food inside its abdomen.  Their expandable abdomen serve as “living larders” for their entire colony because they are storage vessels.

It exemplifies unity because during a dry season, nutrients become more scarce. Very few flowers blossoms, and fewer insects will approach the colony which means less access to food. Honeypot ants turn to their living larders, which would have swollen to the size of grapes.

When the colony is in need of nutrient-rich liquids, a worker ant will stroke a replete’s antennae. This signals the replete to regurgitate the liquid. A worker can eat the liquid itself, or carry it to another member of the colony.

It exemplifies diversity because it is different from other ants in its ability to store liquid food in its expandable abdomen. Many insects store sweet liquid for later use. For example, honeybees usually stores liquid in their combs. Honeypot ants, are the only insects to store the liquid in their own bodies.

Honey pot ants or honey ants are the types of worker ants. It exhibits adaptation to the surrounding by storing the food in its abdomen region and shows unity and diversity.

What are the features of Honeypot ants?

Honeypot ants belong to the genus Myrmecocystus is an arthropod and stores food like honey in the abdomen to the point of swelling and are 3 - 5 mm long.

They show adaptation when the environment becomes hostile and the food becomes scarce. They store the liquid food content in their abdomen and this swelled stored food of the abdomen acts as the living larders for the other ants of the colony.

Honeypot ant exemplifies the unity as during scarcity of food in off-seasons then the ants use their stored food or the larder to nourish the other ants of the colonies.

They are the tomb of the diversity as different from the other ants they store food in their own body rather some places of living like honey bees stores honey in the hives.

Therefore, honeypot ants show adaptation, unity and diversity.

Learn more about honeypot ants here: