Wednesday, Aug 26: Westward Expansion Discussion
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Now that you have read about Westward Expansion and watched a Crash Course about
Westward Expansion, it's time to answer the lesson question: ? HOW WAS THE WEST
You will post TWO times. Your first post is the discussion prompt. Your second post is
the discussion reply.
1. Discussion Prompt:
• Think back to the reading and the video and answer the question: How was the West
• Terms: transcontinental railroad, Dawes Act, Cowboys, Great Plains, farming, Wild
West, American Indians, open-range, Homestead Act, Chinese Exclusion Act
Include in your response at least 5 of the above terms. You can start your response with:
The west was transformed because and
Bold or underline the terms you

I need this by tonight if anyone could please do this for me , thank you !