There are several economic explanations for why trade is so commonplace. Match each of the examples listed below with the economic concept that best explains the behavior or observation.
A. Swiss watch manufacturers producing high quality time pieces.
B. U.S. auto makers offering a great variety of makes and models of cars.
C. The ability of developing nations to export textiles to wealthier countries.
D. Doctors becoming experts in one type of medicine rather than becoming proficient in many areas.
E. Your economics professor paying a gardener to do work that he/she could do on their own.
1. Comparative Advantage
2. Specialization or Economies of Scale

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A. Swiss watch manufacturers producing high quality time pieces.

1. Comparative Advantage

B. U.S. auto makers offering a great variety of makes and models of cars.

2. Specialization or Economies of Scale

C. The ability of developing nations to export textiles to wealthier countries.

US auto makers manufacture on large scale so they have economies of scale . Moreover they are technically superior because of specialisation .  

1. Comparative Advantage

wealthier nation too can export textile but that will be costlier so developing nation has comparative advantage of cheap labour.

D. Doctors becoming experts in one type of medicine rather than becoming proficient in many areas.

2. Specialization or Economies of Scale

E. Your economics professor paying a gardener to do work that he/she could do on their own.

1. Comparative Advantage

Professor can earn more by using his time as a professor so he has comparative advantage .