Continue your research on a current event. Select one reliable news story on the topic that contains at least one graphical element. In one to two paragraphs, briefly describe the graphic(s) and then explain the purpose of the graphic(s) and how it affects the "telling" of the information from the original source. Can somebody explain to me what this means?

Respuesta :


Basically let's go one line by one. "Continue your research on a current event. Select one reliable news story on the topic that contains at least one graphical element." This means you should find a credible source with an image or graph. "In one to two paragraphs, briefly describe the graphic(s) and then explain the purpose of the graphic(s) " Describe what the image/graph from the source is saying and explain the reason it's there. "and how it affects the "telling" of the information from the original source" Tell us how effective the image/graph is. For example if it supported the argument or not.
