Required Give the information that will be in the UNF (5 Marks) Normalise to the First normal form (5 Marks) Normalise to the second normal form (5 Marks) Normalise to the third normal form (4 Marks) Draw the entity relationship diagram giving the requisite attributes (6 Marks) QUESTION TWO Using the case study in Question ONE Write the SQL command to create the tables specifying the primary keys (4 Marks) Write the SQL command to retrieve the aLL the invoices for customer account number 5652 (4 Marks) Write the SQL command to order all the invoices in order to facilitate the printing of customer statements (4 Marks) Write a procedure to increase prices of the items that they sell by 5% (4 Marks) Write a trigger to give an alert when the price of a product or quantity is changed in the the database (4 Marks) How will the system handle the receipts issued when the customers are settling the outstanding invoices? Capture the suitable information in the receipts file