(01.01 MC)Cryptozoology is a field of study aimed at proving the existence of mystery animals such as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster. Why is cryptozoology not considered a true science?

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This is because it is not based on scientific evidences,but rather on hypothesis  from unverified information and ear says.


The branch of Zoology  which is called pseudoscience because of lack of concrete evidences is called Crytpozoology.

it was designed for the study of set of animals in which scientific evidences for the existence is lacking.However,hypothesis based on oral stories,unreliable description by purported eye witness. non factual physical evidences and ear says are used to judge the existence.

Blancou in 1959 first coined the word.But the actual mention in scientific field was in 1965 by Bernard Heuvelmans .

Bigfots ,Chupacabra are examples of animals that cryptozoology has been used to give account of.