Respuesta :
1) A) Lens converging, B) lens 1 converging
2) A and B object is at a greater distance than its focal
For this exercise we will give some more important characteristics of the lenses.
we use the equation of the constructor
1 / f = 1 / p + 1 / q
where f is the focal length and p and qlas the distance to the object and image, respectively.
We must also use how the lenses are combined
1 / = 1 / f₁ + 1 / f₂
where feq is the equivalent focal length and it is assumed that the two lenses are in contact.
By applying the equation of the constructor you get some characteristics of the image
Converging lens
* Object farther than focal length real and inverted image
* Oject after focal virtual image and right
Diverging lens
* for all virtual image distance and right
with this information let's analyze the different configurations
1) let's do an analysis for each scenario
A) since lens 1 and lens 2 create real image they must be converging lenses
B) Lens 1 must be convergent and lens 2 can be of both types
C) Lens 1 can be convergent with the object that is at a shorter distance than at focal point (p <f₁). The same analysis diverges for lens 2, the object that is the image of the other lens is shorter than its focal distance p₂ <f₂
D) the object is at a shorter distance than the focal length p₁ <f₁, the object for this lens is at a greater distance than its focal point p₂> f₂
2) let's analyze for each scenario
A) for each lens the object is at a greater distance than its focal length p₁> f₁ and p₂> f₂
B) for lens 1 p₁> f₁
for lens 2
if it is convergent p₂ <f₂
and if it is divergent any distance is possible
C) lens 1 p₁ <f₁ and for lens 2 p₂ <f₂
D) lens 1 p₁ <f₁ and for lens 2 p₂> f₂
3) see attached
The distance with subscript 1 is measured with respect to line1 and the distance with subscript 2 is measured with respect to the lens with subscript 2