Rise of Protestantism, Increase in power in England after splitting from the Catholic Church and unifying catholic church (Catholic reformation).
The Protestant Reformation began to emerge in Europe as a new church. Martin Luther broke the connection between the Catholic church and formed a new religion. Catholic church considered being powerful who controlled most of Europe. Luther nailed 95 theses in the Wittenberg Church, which led to the spread of Protestantism in Europe.
Henry VIII broke with Papacy and established the Church of England which began the reformation. He rejected the Roman Church when Rome was not willing to give a divorce because his first wife Catherine of Aragon was unable to provide him with a son. He decided to take the matter in his hand by splitting from Catholic. He also took over the lands and closed down several monasteries.
With the success of Protestant Reformation in the central and northern Europe, that converted many countries into Protestant. The Catholic church became conscious of its disintegration and took immediate action to internal reform itself.