
D. Think about a funny, embarrassing, scary or
annoying experience that you have had and
write about it.
When writing an account of a true event,
follow the plan for writing a story .
•use the first person (I, We).
divide your account into paragraphs.
• use Past Tenses and linking words / phrases.
try to make it interesting for the reader by
using: Dialogue
- Direct Speech, questions and exclamation
- adverbs / adverbial phrases (e.g. suddenly,
fortunately, to my surprise),
a variety of adjectives (e.g. awful instead of
- expressions or idioms like: 1 jumped out
of my skin, My heart was in my mouth, etc.

Respuesta :


First embarrassing moment: In my elementary school, we often have to yell our grades on homework and quizzes outloud for the teacher to record in her book. I had trouble, especially with the numbers in the 90's. I was a smart student and hated getting A's and B's because I stuttered on those scores. One day, my teacher got tired of my quiet voice, not knowing that I was trying to hide my stuttering. She told her T.A. to go outside and listen for a number that I would yell! Yes, the entire class was watching. The teacher told me a number and I said it as loud as I could. The teacher orders the T.A. to come in. "What did you hear?" "23?" says the T.A. "Go back outside." The T.A. goes outside and the teacher turns to me and says, "She probably heard me say that one." Oh! The hurt! Oh the pain! Yes, this goes on with the teacher whispering numbers to me for me to yell out! For once I was smarter than the teacher knowing it was all futile and just a time of humility in front of the class! She was trying to break me out of my shell but really she can't accept the fact that not all people can be loud-talkers.

Second embarrassing moment: This was in the fifth grade. Actually this is a common experience always coming back to me. It is reading time and we're taking turns reading. I remember it came to my turn. The first word was "would." Would?!?! I can't say that! It got embarrassingly quiet when it came to my turn. I was busy whispering, "W-w-w-w-w-w-" I got angry with myself because it just wouldn't come out. The teacher finally yelled at me to start reading. Augh! The blind world we live in.