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Learning to cook will help you understand world cultures, customs and flavors. You will also learn life skills like eating healthy, budgeting your money, and cleaning. Save some cash. Cooking is less expensive than eating at restaurants, fast food joints and school cafeterias.

  1. Cooking makes you self-sufficient.
  2. Cooking saves you money.
  3. Cooking keeps you healthy.
  4. Cooking is creative.
  5. Cooking boosts your social skills.
  6. So today's task it to prepare a meal with your own two manly hands.

Cooking changes food in three important ways, according to Wrangham: it “unfolds” the amino-acid chains of proteins, making it easier for digestive enzymes to process them; it makes starches more digestible; and it “physically softens” food, effectively allowing us to get more calories in with less work.

Food can be cooked for the following reasons: To change or improve the taste of the food e.g flour being used to make cake. A cake tastes far more delicious than raw flour. Raw meat, fish, poultry and egg should all be cooked to make them safe to consume since they contain bacteria that can be harmful to us.