1.wingless (a segment-polarity gene)
2. hunchback (a gap gene)
3. Kruppel (a gap gene)
4. knirps (a gap gene)
5. hedgehog (a segment-polarity gene)
6. even-skipped (a pair-rule gene)
The gap genes are genes expressed during embryonic development of some arthropods. Loss of function mutations of the gap genes are responsible to produce structural "gaps" in the corresponding region of the embryo. The gap genes are transcription factors that modulate the expression of pair-rule genes, which in turn are required for embryonic development of the alternate segments. On the other hand, the segment polarity genes are involved in determining the anterior/posterior axis of each segment (the segment polarity network). In the embryo, segment-polarity genes are expressed at specific localizations only after the expression of gap and pair-rule genes.