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Explanation :
• When the media presents a complex situation without explaining it. Sometimes, the media including radio, television or prints merely present current happenings in a country but fails to explain in detailed to people about the complex situation like the political situation of a democratic state. This means that the media is withholding critical information which is part of their responsibility, to informing the general public.
• When the media act as a shill for a particular political point of view. Media generally should be seen and known as independent rather than being influenced by the government which could make them give false information to the general public through propaganda instead of educating the masses.
• When the media publish inciting information. In a situation where the media deliberately share inciting information to people, such could destroy the unity of a democratic state. It is their duty to be non partisan to all sides in a democratic settings. They are expected to educate the voters, give people facts, figures and balanced opinions about current happenings in a country.
• When the media falsely presents information. This is when wrong information is provided by the media to people either for malicious or for whatever reasons which can ultimately ruin a democratic state. The media is a powerful tool hence must ensure that the information provided by them are not malicious.
• When there is partiality in publishing by the media. Partiality in terms of writing and publishing of information by the media makes them bias which is wrong because other party would feel they are not being taken into consideration. It also means that the people in a democratic state are not being given accurate information about currents happenings in the country.
It is possible for the media to fail in it's responsibility to keep citizens informed if:
- It presents unverified information;
- If it becomes biased in the information it presents to the society;
- If it does not release information timely;
- If it takes political sides thus misinforming the public
- if it intentionally becomes economic with the truth.
What role does the media play in a democratic society?
The role of media in a democratic society is to ensure that it informs the public on issues such as:
- government policies
- elections
- general safety etc.
Learn more about the role of media at: