Respuesta :
The correct answers are:
1. Creo que estos utensilios son mejores que aquellos.
2. Todos se fueron aun mis parientes.
3. Solo por ti me esfuerzo.
4. Cuando estaba solo, solo me importaba leer.
5. Cuando recuerdo aquellos años, me emociono.
6. Ni aun su madre pudo detenerlo.
7. Solo deseo escuchar un solo de piano.
8. Aquello parece imposible.
9. Ese lapicero es de aquellas.
10. Ese tiempo es efímero, este pasa por el hombre y no el hombre por este. .-
Coloca la tilde donde corresponde.
1. Solo sé que nada sé.
2. Mañana tú y yo hablaremos de eso.
3. Pierde tu tiempo mas no vuelvas a anhelar más.
4. Tu ida complicará tu propia situación.
5. Es la más mas, mas no es conocida.
6. Cuando estoy solo, solo la verdad me acompaña.
7. Aun cuando sepas mentir, la verdad se asoma.
8. ¿Te agrada tomar té?
9. Quisiera ir contigo, mas no puedo.
10. Sé prudente aunque sé que eres sereno.
11. Si solo dependería de mí te prestaría 250 0 300.
There are tons of rules you should learn about accents. And there is great confusion when a word may or may not have an accent, changing its meaning.
Let's see the following:
- Currently, the RAE advises against the accent in all demonstratives, regardless of their function (pronoun or adjective) and context (with risk of ambiguity or not).
Esa, ese, eso, esas, esos, esta, este, esto, estos, estas, aquel, aquello, aquella, aquellas y aquellos, are terms that were branded against the rules of accentuation, so the RAE decided to remove the accent mark. In conclusion, the demonstrative pronouns should be written, in all cases, without an accent.
- The same happens with solo or sólo. Currently, the use of solo, without accentuation, is allowed, both in the sense of 'only' and in the sense of 'without company'.
- There is a sé with a diacritical accent that can correspond either to the verb to be(ser), or to the verb to know(saber).
- Ti, second person personal pronoun, is written without an accent, unlike mí and sí.
- Tú, with an accent, works as a personal pronoun and we use it to refer to the person with whom we speak, while tu, without an accent, is a possessive adjective that indicates that something is someone's own or particular.
- The adverb aún is written with an accent when it is a tonic word and is equivalent to still; while, when it means even, also or (not) even, it is unstressed and is written without an accent.