Write a method named isPalindrome that accepts a string parameter and returns true if that string is a palindrome, or false if it is not a palindrome. For this problem, a palindrome is defined as a string that contains exactly the same sequence of characters forwards as backwards, case-insensitively. For example, "madam" or "racecar" are palindromes, so the call of isPalindrome("racecar") would return true. Spaces, punctuation, and any other characters should be treated the same as letters; so a multi-word string such as "dog god" could be a palindrome, as could a gibberish string such as "123 $ 321". The empty string and all one-character strings are palindromes by our definition. Your code should ignore case, so a string like "Madam" or "RACEcar" would also count as palindromes.

Respuesta :


The programming language is not stated;

However, I'll answer this question using Java Programming Language;

The method is as follows;

   public static void isPalindrome(String userinput)


       String reverse = "";

       int lent = userinput.length();

int j = lent - 1;

while(j >= 0)


           reverse = reverse + userinput.charAt(j);













This line defines the method isPalindrome with a string parameter userinput

public static void isPalindrome(String userinput) {

This line initializes a string variable

       String reverse = "";

This line gets the length of the userinput

       int len = userinput.length();

The following while-loop gets the reverse of userinput and saved the reversed string in reverse

int j = lent - 1;

while(j >= 0)


           reverse = reverse + userinput.charAt(j);



The following if statement checks if userinput and reverse are equal (cases are ignored)



           System.out.println("True"); This line is executed if the if condition is true




           System.out.println("False"); This line is executed if otherwise


    } The method ends here