20 points
Answer all these questions

How to get emancipated in New York at the age of 15?

How to get ready to live on your own at 15?

How to move to Los angles with no money

Respuesta :


To be emancipated at such a young age, the only viable option is to permanently leave your home and cut off relations to the parents, except in cases of child abuse. Check out the official nycourts"dot"gov website to see all legal emancipations for a child under 21.

To live on your own, you need to find income so you can pay for necessities such as food and shelter. Everything else is secondary. Without these two things, you can expect to be homeless or worse.

It'll be impossible to move to Los Angeles with no money, unless you can trade a service or something similar to finance your travels from New York to California. (Note, expenses in Los Angeles are in the top, if not the top in the USA).

If you do truely go through with a move to Los Angeles, I hope all goes well. The world is brutal, especially without a social safety net.

Best wishes.