The article speaks about the tasks that technology is performing these days that were done by humans in the past and how it has threatened the jobs of many workers.
'Practically Human: Can Smart Machines Do Your Job' is an article written by Paul Wiseman. The article speaks about how the technology is taking over the tasks performed by humans in many countries. The author of the article takes an example of Art Liscano, a meter reader, whose job is in danger because of the latest technology that reads the meter itself. The writer goes on telling the reader that it's not just meter readers who are losing their jobs but many middle class workers such as assistants, losing their jobs.
The article focus on the latest technology of driverless car which possess the possible threat to the jobs of many middle class drivers whose income is dependent on this. The article is an awakening thought to the reader that what technology is bringing is boon or bane. It technology helping mankind or taking place of humans in the society, in the words of author, tachnology is becoming 'Practically Human.'