Answer as a fraction = 1/5040
Answer in decimal form (approximate) = 0.000198
Answer in percentage form (approximate) = 0.0198%
There is only one ordering of the letters to get DESIGN out of 5040 different permutations. The 5040 comes from the fact that 7*6*5*4*3*2*1 = 5040. In shorthand notation, use factorials to say 7! = 5040. Notice how we started with 7 and counted down until reaching 1, multiplying all along the way. You could use the nPr permutation formula to get the same result of 5040 (use n = 7 and r = 7).
So because we have 1 way to order the letters (getting DESIGN) out of 5040 ways total, this means the probability is the fraction 1/5040. Use your calculator to find that 1/5040 = 0.000198 approximately. Move the decimal over 2 spots to the right to convert 0.000198 to 0.0198%