
You recently began a job as an accounting intern at Raymond Adventures.
Your first task was to help prepare the cash budget for February and March.
Unfortunately the computer with the budget file crashed and you did not have a backup or even a hard copy.
You ran a program to salvage bits of data from the budget file.
After entering the following data in the budget, you may have just enough information to reconstruct the budget.
Raymond Adventures eliminates any cash deficiency by borrowing the exact amount needed from State Street Bank where the current interest rate is 7 %.
Raymond Adventures pays interest on its outstanding debt at the end of each month.
The company also repays all borrowed amounts at the end of the month as cash becomes available.
Raymond Adventures
Combined Cash Budget
February and March
February March
Beginning cash balance 16,500 ??
Plus: Cash collections ?? 80,200
Plus: Cash from sale of plant assets 0 2,100
Total cash available 107,100 ??
Less: Cash payments
(purchase inventory) ?? 41,500
Less: Cash payments
(operating expenses) 47,900 ??
Total cash payments 98,700 ??
(1) Ending cash balance before
financing ?? 22,900
Minimum cash balance desired 20,000 20,000
Cash excess (deficiency) ?? ??
Plus: New borrowings ?? ??
Less: Debt repayments ?? ??
Less: Interest payments ?? ??
(2) Total effects of financing ?? ??
Ending cash balance (1) + (2) ?? ??

Respuesta :


Beginning cash balance for  March= $20,000

Cash collections for February =$90,600

Total cash available for March =$102,300

Cash payments (purchase inventory)  for February =$50,800

Cash payments (operating expenses) for March =$37,900

Total cash payments for March =$79,400

Ending cash balance before

financing for February =$8,400

Cash excess (deficiency) for February and March =$- 11,600 $2,900

New borrowings  for February and March

=$11,600 $0

Debt repayments for February and March

=$0 -$2,900

Interest payments for February  and March

=$0    $0

Ending cash balance for February  and March (1) + (2) =$20,000 $20,000


Preparation of  Raymond Adventures

Combined Cash Budget for February and March

Raymond Adventures Combined Cash Budget for  February  and  March

Beginning cash balance 16,500 20,000

Plus: Cash collections 90,600 80,200

Plus: Cash from sale of plant assets 0 2,100

Total cash available 107,100 102,300

Less: Cash payments

(purchase inventory) 50,800 41,500

Less: Cash payments

(operating expenses) 47,900 37,900

Total cash payments 98,700 79,400

(1) Ending cash balance before

financing 8,400 22,900

Minimum cash balance desired 20,000 20,000

Cash excess (deficiency) -11,600 2,900


Plus: New borrowings 11,600 0

Less: Debt repayments 0 -2,900

Less: Interest payments 0 0

(2) Total effects of financing 11,600  -2,900

Ending cash balance (1) + (2) 20,000 20,000

Beginning cash balance for  March

Minimum cash balance desired March 20,000

Calculation for Cash collections for February

Total cash available 107,100-Beginning cash balance 16,500=90,600

Calculation for Total cash available for March

Beginning cash balance 20,000

Plus: Cash collections  80,200

Plus: Cash from sale of plant assets  2,100


Calculation for Cash payments (purchase inventory)  for February

Total cash payments 98,700 -Cash payments

(operating expenses) 47,900


Calculation for Cash payments (operating expenses) for March

Total cash payments for March 79,400-Cash payments(purchase inventory) for March 41,500


Calculation for Total cash payments for March

Total cash available for March  102,300-Ending cash balance before

financing for March 22,900


Calculation for the Ending cash balance before

financing for February

Total cash available 107,100-Total cash payments 98,700


Calculation for Cash excess (deficiency) for February and March

Ending cash balance before

financing 8,400 22,900

Less Minimum cash balance desired 20,000 20,000

=- 11,600 2,900

New borrowings  for February and March

11,600 0

Debt repayments for February and March

0 -2,900

Interest payments for February  and March

0    0

Calculation for Ending cash balance for February  and March (1) + (2)

(1) Ending cash balance before

financing 8,400 22,900

Add (2) Total effects of financing 11,600  -2,900

=20,000 20,000