Respuesta :


i almost died playing with a baby bear and i almost died of poison


I've learned that if there is a baby bear the mama is always around and now i fear bears. i also almost died eating something i shouldn't and now i always check what I'm eating

1. my father walking out on me and my mother, he walked out because i was unwanted and my mother was no longer his type, i grew up angry at the world and hated just hearing his name. How did this event shape me? It made me realize that nobody is perfect, and that he made a large mistake that day, i recently got back into contact with my father and it has been amazing. It also made me realize that, while i didn’t have a father figure in my life, school teachers seriously teach you a lot, from tying your shoes to what’s right and what’s wrong, so i guess another thing that taught me was immense respect for those older than me.

2. discovering the game of soccer. When i say discover i don’t mean oh my gosh wow i just love kicking this ball around, which i did, but i mainly loved the friends i made from it, the late nights i stayed up to do my home work and studies, and all the values it taught me, a few of which are, watch your mouth because people hear everything, don’t be greedy because life isn’t just about you, and you’re not the only one going down this road, there are many others with you! It also taught me that being in shape, is very important as you move, feel, look, and even think different when you’re in shape. How did this shape me? It led me to getting a scholarship for college which made me the man i am today! - I hope this helped!