
Book: The Second Jungle Book Write your completely original review. It should be in paragraph form, not a list of answered questions. A: Introduction: One paragraph to include: Title (capitalized), author, publisher & date, # of pages, genre. A one sentence summary that includes the main idea. B: Summary: One or two paragraphs that tell the story (include parts of the plot for fiction) or (order of events or basic outline for non-fiction). C: Analysis: One paragraph showing what you noticed about the writing (not the story). It may be a particular writing style, use of literary elements, or something that influenced the writer. (This you may research, but write in your own words.) D: Response: One paragraph telling your conclusion, how the book affected you. If you liked it, explain why. If you made a particular connection, explain.

Respuesta :


                                                     Book Review



Author: Rudyard Kipling

Publisher and Date: Macmillan Publishers, 1894.

Number of pages: 256.

Genre: Children's Literature/ Fantasy.


It is a book about a young boy, Mowgli who was raised by a pack of wolves in the wild and ends up becoming one of the packs. The existence of the wolf pack is under threat from a formidable tiger Shere Khan and Mowgli must step up and defend the pack or be destroyed.


The author Rudyard Kipling used a particular writing style in the book to show his imaginative mind and also wrote to portray the humanistic part of life. His work is filled with magical characters and bizarre scenarios among the characters such as Mowgli being able to communicate with the animals and live among them.


As I read the book, I was immediately drawn by the bravery Mowgli shows in defending the pack when its leader Akela becomes old and weakened. I liked the book because it was action packed to the very end.