Its a beautiful spring day in May. The winter semester has motivated you and several friends to go rock climbing in the nearby mountain range. Soon you are testing your limits and pushing your climbing skills to the brink until a cold wind whips the cliff, and you have to hang on for dear life! As you quickly glance over and down, you see a friend who seems to be frozen with fear...he screams, then suddenly free falls to crash on the rocks 30 feet below. You quickly climb down to the victim and notice two other friends reaching him at the same time.
1. (Evaluate) In what order of priority would you pursue lifesaving measures?
2. (Analyze) Would you move the victim or keep him where he is? What woud help you decide?
3. (Apply) After emergency care is provided, what would you do to stabilize the victim and attempt to prevent shock and hypothermia?
4. (Create) Would you evacuate the victim or bring help to him? Describe how / why you might be forced to do either.

Respuesta :


1- The order of priority would be women and children first, then the youth and men and finally the elderly.

On the other hand, it must be ensured that the environment where one is going to perform first aid care must be safe for oneself.

2-I would leave it in place, moving it could alter its systemic state and also if the accident area is assessed and the victim must not be intervened or modified.

3-To prevent shock, I would seek to calm the person down, shelter him, give him an intake of hot liquids such as tea or coffee, control body temperature and vital signs.

4-I would run the place in case the victim is at risk of death or that the terrain where the accident is dangerous for both lives.


First aid is essential until the person who suffered an accident or damage to the sea by an emergency system.

It is essential to maintain calm, death, and vitality of the injured person, without moving them, to avoid secondary injuries and control the vital signs of the accident.