3. When it is 1 pm in Sydney, Australia, the time in Delhi is 7.30 am on the same day. Raj caught a
flight from Sydney to Delhi at 10 am Sydney time. The flying time for his flight was 13 hrs. What
time was it in Delhi (IST) when Raj arrived?
When it is 1 PM in Sydney, it is
in Delhi
Time difference between Sydney and Delhi
If it is 10:00 AM in Sydney, it is
in Delhi (IST).
+ 13 hrs. =
It is a 13 hr. journey. Raj will reach Delhi at

Respuesta :





1 pm in Sydney = 7:30 am in Delhi


What time did Raj arrived Delhi

First, we'll calculate the time difference between Sydney and Delhi

Difference = 1 pm - 7:30 am

Convert time to 24 hour format

Difference = 13:00 - 7:30

Difference = 5 hours 30 minutes

Next is to convert his departure time in Sydney to Delhi Time equivalent

Time of departure = 10:00 am (Sydney)

Delhi Time = 10:00 am - 5 hours 30 minutes

Delhi Time = 4:30 am

Lastly, we can then calculate Raj arrival time;

Since the flight took him 13 hours;

Arrival Time = 4:30 am + 13 hours

Arrival Time = 5:30pm