Respuesta :
Reflections on Historical and Future Aspects
of Behavior Analysis
Erik Arntzen and Monica Vandbakk
Oslo and Akershus University College
The Norwegian Association of Behavior Analysis celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2013. At the
annual meeting, we arranged a symposium on the historical and future trends in behavior analysis. Ten people agreed to be part of a panel in this symposium. The panel included national and
international behavior analysts, both senior and younger behavior analysts and students within
the field. The panel members were given 13 questions beforehand so they could prepare their
answers. Two of the questions were mandatory, but they could choose three additional questions
to answer. The panel members presented a variety of important areas to which behavior analysis
has contributed and addressed some of the future impacts behavior analysis may have on society.
The panelists’ presentations are written as arguments we found to be the most interesting and is
not meant to be a direct reproduction of their statements. In the discussion section, we highlight
two important areas based on the statements raised by the panelists. Hence, we argue that behavior
analysis has great potential and that it is important to improve the interdisciplinary perspective.
In conclusion, we suggest some further actions that can be done in time to come.
Keywords: Behavior analysis, historical trends, future trends, interdisciplinary perspective,
symposium, Norwegian Association of Behavior Analysis