PLEASE HELP WILL GIVE BRAINLY!!!!!There is Beauty in the Pain:
She rarely makes eye contact. Instead she looks down at the ground because the ground is safer. Unlike people, the ground expects nothing in return. She doesn't have to be ashamed of her past. The ground just excepts her for who she is in this moment. As she sits in the make-shift bar next to me ; she stares down at her drink, and then the ground, then her drink again. "Most people don't get me, " she says, " They ask me questions like, 'What's your problem?' and 'Are you depressed?' Even so, I never respond because I don't feel like explaining myself. I don't think they really care anyway."
Just then, a teenage boy sits down on the opposite side of the make-shift bar, across from her. He's drunk, and says, " Your pretty. Mind "Tell me about it," she says, and walks away. "Would you prefer that I leave too?" I ask. "No," she says without glancing upward, "Though I could use some fresh air. You don't have to come, but you can if you want to." I follow her outside and we sit by the pool in the backyard.
"It's really cold tonight," I said. "Tell me about it," she says maintaining her usual downward gaze. The warm vapor from her breath cuts through the cold air ad bounces off the ground in front of her. "So why are out here with me? I mean wouldn't you rather be inside in the warmth, talking to normal teens, about normal teenager things, like whether or not your going to the next dance?" "I'm out here because I want to be. I'm not normal, and look, I can see my breath, and were in Texas. That's not normal either. Oh, and your wearing jnco's, and so am I- which may have been normal in 1985, but not anymore." "Can I tell you a story?" "I'm listening."
As she speaks, her emotional gaze shifts from the ground, to my eyes, to the moonlit sky, and back to my eyes again. This continues for the duration of her story and every time her eyes meet mine she holds them there a few seconds longer than she did before. I don't interject once. I listen to every word and I accumulate the raw emotion present in her voice and the depth of her eyes. When she finishes, she simply says, "Well, now you think I'm a freak, don't you?" And I k*** her.
We k*** each other, eyes closed, during the loudness of the party. Then we stop. "Why me?" she asks. "Because there is beauty in the pain." what do you believe the moral of the story is? how can i make this story better?

Respuesta :


The story is at it's greatest already.Amazing. Moral:


The moral..i believe would be that everyone has a problem..about something. some people will help you..other's wont. Welp..we cant do much to make anyone help or unhelp us. Coping and doing what you love and think best is the best we can do..really.

Fade stayed motionless as the dragons around her screamed, cried, flung their wings over their dead loved ones, sat there waiting to die, and stampeded to the tunnels to flee the Summer Palace. The thud of bodies and wings crashed against her as they panicked and surged toward the outside to be safe from the mad Queen. Her lips parted slowly, issuing a single word. But she couldn’t even complete that. "Ab..." her white, gray, and dark gray wings folded to her sides tightly, she ran over to him, but he simply lied there, with a tear running down his face, and a knife through his stomach. He was gone, the sweet, joyful, kind, caring, funny little dragonet who had been the spark in her life. And no more. Had it ever been true? Her mother said herself that she’d never kill any of her dragonets even if they were a hybrid like her. She’d missed it, again, even after all the times her mother said it. Clearly, she didn’t know her mother at all. Fade only barely registered the disappearance of her father. She slowly crumpled to the bloodstained sand, first falling to her knees, then curling up next to her youngest brother who was now dead, wings curled around herself. The sea dragoness was not crying, but making a very slight keening noise, as the Summer Palace became silent. Who knows what happened to the SeaWings now, they were most likely hiding in their quarters in the Deep Palace. Father was gone. Dusk was in a complete mad frenzy, mad rage. Mother was insane. And little Abyss was now gone. Everything had been taken away from her in the last five days - and now she was alone, fully alone. Fade felt a little nudge on her tail, but she was too sad to look up and see who or what it is, then she felt tiny talons, touching and poking her wings she looked up and she saw her littlest sister named Koi, she was a hybrid, the same color as her and little Abyss, Fade picked her up, and saw her mother’s shadow rising from the sea, she quickly put Koi on her back and took Abyss in her arms, and took off.

p.s this is more of a conclusion, for it does not have much quotes, this is also based on Wings of Fire

Universidad de Mexico