Complete the following statements about describing a phase of meiosis. Then arrange the sentences to reflect the order in which the phases occur.

a. During _________ the nuclear envelope fragments, spindle fibers begin to form, and condensed homologues undergo.
b. During ___________ homologues separate.
c. After ________ the resulting 2 daughter nuclei are___________ meaning they each contain one chromosome from each homologue.
d. During _______ duplicated chromosomes line up at the equator.
e. During _____________ , _____________ align Independently along the equator.
f. During ____________ , the sister chromatids separate and move towards the poles.
g. During __________ , the spindle disappears and upon completion daughter cells result of cytokinesis, 4 __________ daughter cells result.
h. During ________ each duplicated chromosome attaches to the spindle.

1. Synapsis
2. Telophase Il
3. Telophase I
4. Metaphase Il
5. Haploid
6. Homologues
7. Metaphase I
8. Prophase Il
9. Anaphase I
10. Diploid
11. Prophase I
12. Anaphase Il
13. Independent assortment