Respuesta :
In The Wizard of Oz, characters like Glinda the Good Witch represent the mother archetype because she looks out for Dorothy, and Toto represent the trickster, because he is always creating problems. ... Toto also causes the Cowardly Lion to growl at him, causing Dorothy to hit the Lion on the nose.
Glenda the good witch - represents the mother because she helps to take care of D and to keep her safe and on the right path.
Toto - he is the tricky one and always creating problems for D.
Lion - He is a coward - really? He just has no self - esteem. Not only is D able to instill in him that he is not a coward, but that she is not a coward either. By encouraging him, she is really encouraging herself.
Tin Man - He has so much love to give, but does not have a heart. He helps D realize that treating others with kindness and being good and helping others - as D does frequently - is all about having a big heart full of love.
Scarecrow - No brain. But he comes to realize with D's help that he is smart and that he has potential to be whatever he wants to be - even if it is to scare crows away from the fields he protects.
Self sufficiency - all of these characters want external things to magically make them what they think they need to be - when in reality, they all have what they need inside of themselves - including D.
Hope this helps a little.....
In the beginning of the story, Dorothy is unhappy with her life and wishes to be somewhere else. She thinks that if she could find a new place to live, all her problems would be solved. Page 96 in the text says, “Dorothy had thought of running away from home because she felt she did not really fit in on the farm. She knew Auntie Em loved her, but she still felt like a stranger out here in the countryside, and longed to be someplace that had no real problems, someplace ‘over the rainbow’ where the sky was always blue. She thought she could solve her loneliness by going to a different place.” But that all changes once a tornado hits the farm and sends her into The Land Of Oz. On her journey, she meets three of her current friends, Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion...
1.) Scarecrow was the first one Dorothy had met, which was in a cornfield with Scarecrow stuck on a wooden pole. When listening to Scarecrow, "My life has been so short that I really know nothing whatever," he tells Dorothy. "I was only made day before yesterday. What happened in the world before that time is unknown to me" (4.12). He came into existence when a farmer painted on his eyes, ears, and mouth. Thing was, his first day out on the cornfield didn't go well in the slightest. A crow made fun of him for not having any brains, and Scarecrow took it very very personally.
2.) Tin Man was the second character that Dorothy came in contact who went with her to the Wizard of Oz. When listening to the Tin Man, she heard his quite disturbing backstory. He was once a human who had an axe, but it was cursed by an evil witch. That caused him to chop off all of his own limbs, one by one. A metal worker who loves nearby was able to rebuild him out of tin, but the whole experience left him so angry and dissatisfied, he lost the love of his life and has been in the woods ever since the tragedy. To make matters worse, a year before Dorothy and the Scarecrow found him in the woods, he got caught in a rainstorm and rusted into place, unable to move due to all the rust on his joints. During that long and painful year, he had a lot of time to think on love and loss, and now the Tin Woodman wants, (or as he says, needs) a heart. He's tired of not being able to show emotions (not true!) and loosing his loved ones. He wants to love again.
3.) Lion was the last companion Dorothy had come across, and he made a bad first impression of biting Scarecrow! "You are nothing but a big coward," she tells him. "I know it," says the lion. "I've always known it. But how can I help it" (6.11-6.12). "Being a coward is my great sorrow, and makes my life very unhappy," he tells Dorothy. "But whenever there is danger my heart begins to beat fast" (6.26). As a male lion, he is supposed to show dominance and be brave, and be the king of the forest, but to him he believes he is more of a fraud than a ruler. "I am terribly afraid of falling, myself," he tells them. (but then continues to jump the large ditch with his three friends on his back)"
When she comes into account with the Wicked Witch, Dorothy is frightened and wishes her friends from the farm were there to help her. After experienceing that, she started to reconsider how "great" home was, and makes her reconsider that maybe her life wasn't all that bad after all. Dorothy's ultimate. statement is when she says "There is no place like home; There is no place like home" (p. 320). Once Dorothy returned home, her attitude was different and she now appreciated the farm and her Aunt and Uncle so much more, after realizing that her life wasn't the bad she thought it to be.
After arriving in the Land of Oz, meeting everyone, listening to her three friends, helping others, having others help her, all of those things changed her perspective on things that were going on around her and at home! Especially meeting Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion, and going up against the Wicked Witch! Everything in the movie/book changed the way she thought and saw alot of things, especially with her farm. Dorothy wanted to run away, but after meeting everyone in Oz, those thoughts were gone and everything changed for the better, and made her realize that her life is not all that bad!
(((I am TERRIBLY sorry it took so long! i was trying to find evidence and do my work at the same time! i really wanted to help you haha)))