Respuesta :
A. FIFO - 78 units and $7,770 and Cost of Goods Sold $12,738
B. LIFO - Inventory Valuation $7,312 and Cost of Goods Sold $13,196
C. Weighted Average - inventory Valuation $7,304 and Cost of Goods Sold $13,204
Detailed calculation as under:
First 73 Units are sold from the inventory on May 1. Therefore, we first take the beginning inventory units and then we take the next in line purchases made during the period. In this case the first 34 units are completely taken and then out of the 44 units only 39 units are taken.
Next 68 units are sold from the inventory on October 28. Now we will take the remainder 5 units bought on March 28 (which are not yet sold). Then we take 63 units out of the 68 units purchased on August 22.
The company's ending inventory on FIFO Basis is remaining 5 units bought on 22 August and 73 units bought on 14 October. There total value is (5 x 94) + (73 x 100) = $7,770
Cost of Goods Sold = Total Goods Cost available for sale - Inventory ending valuation
$12,738 = $20,508 - $7,770
First 73 Units are sold from the inventory on May 1. Therefore, we first take the units purchased on 28 March and then we take the beginning inventory. In this case the first 44 units are completely taken and then out of the 34 units only 29 units are taken.
Next 68 units are sold from the inventory on October 28. Now we will take the units bought on 14 October i.e. 68 units out of the 73 units bought.
The company's ending inventory on LIFO Basis is remaining 5 units in the beginning inventory, remaining 5 units bought on 14 October and 68 units bought on 22 August. There total value is (5 x 84) + (5 x 100) + (68 x 94) = &7,312
Cost of Goods Sold = Total Goods Cost available for sale - Inventory ending valuation
$13,196 = $20,508 - $7,312
C. Weighted Average
In order to calculate Weighted average cost method we divide the total cost of inventory (Beginning and Purchased) with the total units, this yields average cost per unit. Then we multiple the average cost per unit with the units remaining after sales. As shown below:
$20,508 / 219 = $93.64 per unit
$93.64 x 78 units = $7,304