The descriptive statistics listed below. These descriptive statistics were generated from a random sample of all USF students and contain information about the amount of time they exercise per week and the amount of student loan debt (in thousands of dollars) they expect upon graduating college.
Exercise Debt
N 200 200
Lo 95% CI 6.6061 11.380
Mean 7.5000 14.385
Up 95% Cl 8.4639 17.390
SD 6.0000 19.307
Minimum 0.0000 0.0000
Maximum 47.000 100.00
Which of the following graphical methods allows the individual data values to still be visible whil also allowing us to assess the shape of the exercise times?
A. Histogram.
B. Boxplot.
C. Stem and-Leaf Display.
D. All of these could do this.