The thesis of Annie Dillards "Soujourner" is that "All organisms and planets are nothing but sojourners drifting along with no clear purpose apart from surviving."
The ideas that Annie Dillards used to support her thesis is:
Dillards Compares the Mangroove trees to Human beings; Dillards Humanized the mangrove trees so as to give the readers an idea of similarity between the Mangrove tree and humans. According to Dillards, "The mangrove islands are "The dancers." This is an human quality linking the mangrove trees to humans.
Futhermore, Dillards says that Humans do not belong to this very planet where things are not made to accomodate our survival but that both mangrooves and humans form societies to survive.
Dillards also linked the planet we live in to show how planet themselves are also sojourners by saying that "The planet itself is a sojouner in airless space". This shows that all is linked together because the planet is housing both humans and mangrove trees.