1 - Potential 2 - Kinetic 3 - Potential and Kinetic
Potential energy is the energy that an object has when it has a certain amount of elevation from the ground level and to calculate it, we can multiply the mass of the object with the gravitational acceleration constant.
hKinetic energy is the energy that the object has when it has a speed above zero, when it is moving. We can calculate the kinetic energy by multiplying the mass of the object with it's speed.
In the first option, the pendulum has a height because it is just about to fall down, but it has no speed. So it only has potential energy.
In the second option, the pendulum is between the two ends so it is at the equilibrium point where it has no elevation but it has speed. So İt only has kinetic energy.
In the third option, the pendulum is still moving to the maximum height, so it has both elevation and speed, giving it both kinetic and potential energy.
I hope this answer helps.