
What connections do the changes and continuities for pastoralists have with the rise of Islam?

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"Travel and trade also flourished in this period [...] One 9th-century writer tells us of [multi-lingual] Iraqi Jews who criss-crossed Eurasia, travelling between France and China (covering Muslim lands, southern Russia, and India along the way), and the discovery of thousands of Abbasid coins in Scandinavia attests to the scope of this commercial activity. Even the spread of papermaking from China to the Near East is instructive in this context: our sources tell us that Muslims defeated a Chinese army in 751, capturing papermakers in the process from whom they learned the techniques themselves. What is interesting is that such hostile circumstances – a bloody battle in Central Asia – did little to hinder cross-cultural interaction and the spread of commodities, people, and ideas."


With the rise of Islam, the Islamic government creates grazing areas where Pastoralism can be practiced.

  • Before Islam, people of Arab do Pastoralism in the grazing areas which belongs to private people but with the rise of Islam, the government provides facilities to the Pastoralist to graze their animals on the areas allotted by the government.
  • The growth in the Pastoralism occur at that time which ultimately leads to the growth of economy of Islamic empire.
  • The Arab people feed mainly on dates and milk of the animals so Pastoralism is very important at that time so it is concluded that change occurs for pastoralists with the rise of Islam.

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