
Rank the Individuals Selected Now, rank each of the five influential people you selected based on who you think had the greatest impact on society overall. In the chart below, rank them from 1 to 5, with 1 being the person with the greatest impact on society as a whole. Then, compose a one-paragraph argument for each person describing why he or she is ranked in the order you decided on. Be sure to use facts from your research and the unit in your argument. galileo galilei, jean jaques rosseau, george washington, marquis delayfayette, miguel hidalgo its for edmentum

Respuesta :


George washington - 1

Being the main military commander of the American Revolutionary War, having led the Revolutionary army to victory, and becoming the first president of the United States.

Galileo Galilei - 2

Galileo revolutionized science during the Renaissance, making new discoveries in astronomy, physics, and mathematics that would laid out the work for other scientists like Isaac Newton.

Jean Jacques Rousseau - 3

Rousseau was one of the French Elightment philosphers. His political ideas have been influential in many political movements, for example, in the French Revolution.

Miguel Hidalgo - 4

The spiritual leader of the Mexican independence, his actions led to the formation of the largest-spanish speaking country, with over 120 million people.

Marquis Delayfayette - 5

A French aristocrat and military commander, while his actions were important and he had victories in the American Revolutionary War, his figure is small compared with the likes of George Washington for example.



Hope this helps

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