See explanations below
The colors ___jaune_______, ___orange___, __indigo_______, __marron________, and ___améthyste_______ have no separate feminine forms.
compound colours are invariable, e.g. bleu foncé
colours of an object (e.g. orange) are invariable, except
rose, pourpre, mauve, écarlate, which are real colours (adjectives) and are therefore variable.
Be sure to pronounce the final consonants in the feminine forms of __blanc, blanche__, __vert, verte__ __brun, brune__, __violet, violette__, etc.
Since these are adjectives, remember that they have to agree in ____gender______ and in ____number______ with the nouns they describe.
Also keep in mind that adjectives may be made plural if the noun they describe is plural.
Another thing to keep in mind is that in French adjectives come __after__the noun.